Reed Johnson's MLBlog isn't heralded as a literary masterpiece. It's substance over style. Function over form. Short over sweet. It's less indicative of his wildly growing facial hair, more so of the razor that subdues it into control. But in his latest blog entry, Reed Johnson plainly states how he straightened out Milton Bradley's attitude.
To Reed's credit, he seems to have discussed this publicly for the sole purpose of addressing reports that have already surfaced. Bradley himself referenced the discussion in interviews, so it's not like Reed is touting his newfound position on the attitude police squad. He simply states how he told Milton Bradley, who was showing signs of discouragement and disgust during his at-bats, "You're better than that."
Kudos to Reed for having the guts to approach a strong personality like Bradley. And similar props go to Milton for listening to him, breaking out of his baseball-hating funk, and handling it like the great teammate we heard so much about in the offseason.
Most of all, a big round of applause to the Cubs, the rain, and a climatically shortened, bullpen-free W to wash away the stench of an 8-game losing streak.