Thursday, February 26, 2009

Man, He's Got Tight Quads

Milton Bradley left today's game with a tight quad after legging out a walk in his first at bat. I'm really not that alarmed, especially since it would give Micah Hoffpauir a place to play for awhile if Bradley did miss his customary 50 games.

Further allaying my anxiety is the fact that Bradley's contract is heavily laden with incentives for actually, you know, playing. I'm as excited as the next guy (overheard from Next Guy: "I'm actually kinda bored over here.") . . . Correction, I'm even more excited than the next guy that the Cubs are playing baseball again, but Spring Training games don't mean jack. The team results don't mean anything, and the individual stats don't mean anything. I still remember when Nomar set the Cactus League on fire, prompting Peter Gammons to predict an MVP year for the Cub shortstop. I think he wound up with a negative batting average in April. 

So, yeah. Not scared. Not scared. But still . . . um, let's not lose anybody else during the intense base-on-balls drills, mkay?
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