Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Bracelets always help make decisions easier.
Derrek Lee exercised his no-trade clause to void a deal that would have sent him to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, California Past the Second Hot-Dog Stand. He told reporters that he agonized over the decision, but ultimately decided to stay with the Cubs for the remainder of the year because it's better for his family to do so.

Doug Glanville recently posted his thoughts on just how hard it is on a ballplayer to change teams midyear, and I'm sure there's a lot of truth to that. But what if there wasn't? What if it were simply a change of wardrobe and an increased chance of winning? If you were in Derrek Lee's place, and changing teams had absolutely no effect on you outside the world of baseball, would you do it?

Because that's exactly the scenario facing every Cubs fan in the world. Switching teams would be painless. I could become an Angels fan right now, and the only thing it would cost me would be the price of a new hat, some t-shirts, and the pro-rated deal to watch the remaining Angels games on Seriously, I could turn this into an Angels blog overnight or whatever team I choose.

You could do it, too. If you want to trade yourself to the Yankees, here's the Replacement Level Yankees Weblog to get you started. Become a fan, enjoy the wins, and put the mock-agony that is being a Cubs fan in your rearview mirror. You're welcome.

Don't bother telling me how different it is, because I've already established that it's a lot different. It's harder on a baseball player to switch teams. It would be easy for you. That's how it's different. Yet you still don't want to do it. Actually, if you have, I won't hold the decision against you any more than I blame Derrek Lee for not switching teams.

I'd like to know, now that the Astros have tossed yet another shovelful of dirt onto the Cubs' coffin, will you switch teams for a shot at cheering for a winner? Put on the bracelet and decide, and then get back to me with your thoughts on Derrek Lee's much tougher choice.


  1. Having a World Series ring already probably made the decision easier for Lee.

  2. I almost hope that isn't true. Not that the Angels have a great chance anyway, but I would hate to hear that Lee's desire to win has diminished. You know?

  3. The Cubs gear we wear are our WWCFD bracelets and that's how we show our loyalty. Derrek Lee's decision to remain in a Cubs uniform will be for personal reasons, not loyalty. The divided Cub fans have reacted and will soon voice their discontent. This miserable season will soon be in Lee's rearview mirror. We Cub fans and what remains will wait for next year.

  4. Is loyalty not a personal reason? I can see how you'd say Lee's decision is for the benefit of him and his family more so than for the team, but I don't think being a fan is on some higher plane of loyalty. I can't think of a single fan who has been more loyal to the Cubs than Derrek Lee has been.

  5. We have to take Lee's word that his family was central in his decision, no fault there. Do you think the players consider loyalty foremost? They will come and go. We fans have always been here. I believe our love, faith and hope for our team is part of being a Cubs fan; that does place us on a different level. Lee has publicly shown understanding and respect for the fans so I can't question what Lee has in his heart as far as loyalty is concerned.

  6. I don't think fans are strictly loyal, either. Some are stubborn, others are obsessed, and most just stick with the team out of habit. I don't even know if true loyalty to a team is even possible. As you say, the players come and go, so it must not be loyalty to the individuals who comprise the team. And seeing as though the owner is new, the manager is leaving, and the GM is generally despised, I don't think fans are loyal to the people who run this team. What's left is a team name, Wrigley Field, and a set of logos that are trademarks owned by the Chicago National League ballclub. Are fans loyal to that? The idea of Cubdom?


Spill it.

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