Thursday, July 29, 2010

Reserve Your Cubs World Series Tickets Now!

This is the year! Seriously. Kind of.
Major League Baseball has a brand new innovation this year that makes it possible for even us lowly Cubs fans to reserve our place in line for World Series tickets . . . in 2010! I wish I was kidding. Well, I wish I wasn't being sarcastic about not kidding.

For the low, low price of $20 ($10 for NLDS and $15 for NLCS) any fan can reserve the opportunity to buy World Series tickets at the home ballpark of his or her choosing (plus a $1 per order transaction fee, because it wouldn't be MLB if they didn't charge you for the convenience of buying the right to buy something).  So you can go right now and be assured that if the Cubs make the World Series, you'll have a chance to buy a ticket at face value. No strings attached. No chance in hell attached, either, but that's your gamble.

As Cubs fans, this is a joke. I mean, this year, this is an absolute waste of money. Had the playoffs not been a (crack) pipe dream since mid-June, it would be a nice opportunity to avoid the scalpers and get a real shot at playoff tickets with an additional surcharge as small as $10 per ticket.

But if you're an enterprising mind, and you don't mind going piecemeal at 2 tickets per household, nothing's stopping you from buying the right to postseason tickets to any other team. Might as well buy reservations for White Sox World Series tickets. Or Cardinals, Reds, or any other rival whose fans you'd like to skewer with delicious price gauging.

This is all in theory, of course. I'm not advising anyone of doing anything unethical. But hypothetically, I know some good victims. Actually, there are probably Cubs fans who, as you read, are getting swindled into reserving seats for their place in history. Might as well make your money, too.

UPDATE: Be sure to check out Tim McGinnis's take as a season-ticket holder over at Tales from Aisle 424.


  1. of course, now I'm pissed that of the 19 teams viable for post season action, the CVubs aren't one of them... DAMMIT

  2. Well, let's analyze this a bit - Eliminate the Cubs, Brewers, Pirates, Astros, Royals, Indians, Orioles, Mariners, Gnats, Marlins, Diamondbacks, so that's 19 teams left. Reserve 2 tix per team @ $40/team that's $760, which is like what one ticket @ Standing room only goes for on ebay. I say go for it.

  3. Yeah, they might be among the top 25 teams in baseball, but even that's probably stretching things a bit.


Spill it.

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