Thursday, July 30, 2009

Broken Reed

UPDATE: The following is essentially a load of crap. Reed Johnson is tough, but he fouled the ball off his foot and broke it on his 2nd at bat of the day, not his first as is reported here and on the Cubs Web site. I knew it was too good to be true, but I should have double checked before posting. I will, however, preserve my posting full of wrongness for posterity's sake. Shame on me.

This is a picture of Reed Johnson in the act of breaking his foot. It happened in his very first at bat of the game; an at bat in which he singled; and after singling, he advanced to third on a double and hit the brakes hard after rounding the base; then he scored on a Derrek Lee sacrifice fly; he eventually made the last out in the 1st inning; and then he played center field in the second inning. Yeah, all of the stuff in that massive sentence happened after he broke his foot.

The title of this post* is an idiom indicating something or someone who fails to give needed support. Reed Johnson just might redefine the term broken reed to mean "tougher than Chuck Norris."

Yes, Reed Johnson will miss about a month with a broken foot. Yes, he has been struggling in the leadoff spot (.152 BA). But with a broken foot, Reed is hitting .500. I was at the game (which gives me supernatural insight into the situation), and I can attest that Reed Johnson is a stud. Here's to hoping Sam Fuld gets called up and gets another chance to shine (in a lefty-lefty platoon with Kosuke?) once again.

But let it be said here and now (and everywhere and forever): Reed Johnson is one tough ess oh bee. Get well soon, Reed.

*I suppose I could have instead used his last name in the title of the post, but this is a family blog.
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