Monday, March 7, 2011

Random Acts of Cubness

Marlon Byrd and Victor Conte still having a working relationship should change people's impressions of Victor Conte.

Geovany Soto is going to get on base and hit the baseball hard.

Chicago Code isn't a very good show, but I'll probably still watch it forever.

And while I'm talking about it, the fictional White Sox fan cop called Cubs fan cop "Ron Santo" for saying he preferred 12-inch softball to 16-inch softball. But Ronnie played 16-inch softball. So I guess the White Sox cop fan's character is pretty realistic.

Why did the mother pig kick the three little pigs out to go build their own houses? They're little pigs.

I still miss Ron Santo.

Starlin Castro is going to be exciting to watch play baseball.

Also: errors shmerrors.

Tyler Colvin is probably better than I think.

Spring training still means nothing.

Randy Wells is in the starting rotation. He's in.

Carlos Silva has something to prove. I hope for his sake he's at least as good at proving things as Matt Damon was in Good Will Hunting.

Also, Carlos, if Andrew Cashner asks you if you like apples, don't answer.

Kerry Wood is a Chicago Cub.

Mark Prior is a New York Yankee. His stat line so far in spring training, which, I know, means nothing, says he wants to remain a New York Yankee.

ERA: 0.00, 3 G, 3.0 IP, 1 H, O R, 1 BB, 4 SO, WHIP 0.67
I'm pretty happy about Kerry and Mark.

This Cubs team is not going to surprise a lot of people because too many people are saying they're going to surprise a lot of people. You people suck at surprises.

Mike Quade is an interesting fellow.

April 1 can't get here soon enough.


  1. Looks Carlos Silva is trying to prove that he doesn't belong on a pitching mound in any MLB stadium.

  2. That's definitely an easier proof. But I also remember Silva looking
    abysmal at the start of last year's spring training as well. I think the
    bottom line with him is that he isn't as bad as he looks right now but
    isn't as good as he appeared to start last season, either. I think he
    can still pitch, but at a 5th starter level. He could wind up in that
    spot for the Cubs, but I think Cashner and Coleman each have a better
    shot than Silva does.

  3. I am worried about the starting pitching. It seems like a very unstable rotation.

  4. I'd rather that the Cubs had kept Gorzelanny and released Silva. It shouldn't matter what he gets paid, but Jim Hendry probably believes the guy has to pitch to earn the money. I think the Cubs would be money ahead getting one or two of the young pitchers some experience this year. I really don't think the Cubs can compete this year (and I don't think they should) and their efforts should be toward being ready for 2012. Silva isn't going to be with the Cubs next season.

  5. I can't remember what the Cubs got for Gorz. I was happy with him on the
    team. I also think there's a 50/50 chance Silva gets released.

  6. Quade has been a little too nice this spring training. I hope he keeps players accountable -- that's what I liked about him last year.

  7. Quade has been a little too nice this spring training. I hope he keeps players accountable -- that's what I liked about him last year.

  8. I dunno. He seems to like keeping the youngsters accountable, but the vets seemed to have free reign. And if he keeps benching Castro for errors, I fear that benchings will have a negative effect. I've already seen one suggestion that Castro be moved to first base or left field so that his defense becomes less of an issue lest it start affecting his hitting.


Spill it.

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