Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why Was Paul Sullivan Ejected?

According to his Milton Bradley diary torrent of lies hatred font twitter stream, Tribune Cub beatdown artist beat writer Paul Sullivan was ejected from his Wrigley Field bleacher perch less than an hour into Game 1 of yesterday's Dante's Inferno Circle 6 dungeon of retribution doubleheader against the Pirates. Here's a sample of his tweets from yesterday's game (in reverse chronological order):

  1. Unahppy totals from 13 hours at Wrigley Field: 18 innings, two Cubs losses, 3 cups coffee, 2 diet pepsi's, one bleacher ejection.

     from web

  2. Guy in D-Lee shirt in RF bleachers catches throw from Fuld, falls into basket. Bleacher security promptly escorts him out. I feel his pain.

     from web

  3. Sitting in the Bill Veeck seats in top section of CF bleachers. Plenty of room to stretch out for Game 2. Stop by and say hi.

     from TwitterBerry

  4. Craig Lynch, legally blind reporter for Sun-Times, was asked about Fukudome's error, which was somehow ruled a double: "I didn't see it."

     from web

  5. Cubs announce crowd of 34,362, though only about 9,500 showed up and only one was escorted out of the bleachers.

     from web

  6. Uh oh. Ronnie Woo spotted me. Now he's yelling He Was Out Woo in my ear after Blanco tag at second. Bad day gets worse.

     from TwitterBerry

  7. It's 2 p.m. and Ronnie Woo is in Section 216. Avoiding Section 216.

     from TwitterBerry

  8. Ejected from Wrigley Field bleachers and it's only 1:38. Cubs security escorts me out in front of eyewitnesses. Oh the indignation.

     from TwitterBerry

In his twitness, Sullivan didn't give an explanation for what actions, words, or evil spells may have prompted the ejection from the bleachers, nor did he allude to his removal in his rundown of the doubleheader sweep. And considering it was Paul Sullivan who wrote all these tweets, there's a very real chance it's all made up to begin with.

So I'm begging anyone who was at game 1, all 7 of you, to please provide details. But in tribute to Paul Sullivan's propensity for quoting unnamed sources, don't let the facts stop you. I'd love the truth, but I'd do the dance of joy for a good unfounded theory on what he may have done to get booted.

Thank you in advance for helping me take out some frustration on a guy who helped make this season much less bearable.

1 comment:

  1. Especially since he was on camera less than an hour after that initial I got kicked out tweet sitting in the stands by the dugout.


Spill it.

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